Industry Power Couple Chooses Tech MLM Startup!

Jenn Carmona and Angel Carmona: INNOVA, Better Leadership, Better Company.

22 de agosto de 2024

Knowing that everything rises and falls on leadership, making the decision to resign from our previous company, & align ourselves with INNOVA, was a complete No-Brainer when we saw the leadership on the corporate side, as well as the field.

The leadership at the top was unparalleled. From hundreds of years of industry experience on the corporate side, & multiple 7 & 8 figure earners in the field, leading from the front. 

We know exactly what to look for when it comes to analyzing a company, & with our 25+ years of combined experience, we didn’t hesitate to join what we like to say will be the APPLE of the industry.

We always had dreams of being inducted in the the NWM Hall Of Fame & reach our income goal of 7 figures a month. So when we saw that Ivan Martinez & Juan Fernando Franco cofounded this company, we knew we could follow them because they achieved what we desire. We know they can guide us step by step since they have walked the walk not just talked the talk. Few people in this industry, talk a good game, because they have played the game, & actually won at it.

The caliber of leaders that this company is attracting, is also something to take notice of. We can recall vividly in our first company, there was a migration of the top leadership who joined a specific company. We decided to stay loyal, but as things got worse, we witness the leaders that left together made millions of dollars and changed their lifestyle. Most leaders understand the importance of timing & positioning, & the vital role they play when it comes to joining a company. Like we always say, there’s a big difference between a good company and a great opportunity!

Jenn Carmona and Angel Carmona

Knowing that the products had years of data and historical profitability, truly gave us a peace of mind. We know the importance of having happy customers in this industry. Because happy customers, equals long-term residual income.

When it comes to their digital services, it’s top-tier and every category. Not only are they integrating cutting edge technology in every interface of their platform, but they have hired two employees whose job will be to travel to every tech convention to learn & shop around for new innovative & disruptive technology that we can offer as a service in our company. I truly believe we will overdeliver with our products for the price point.

Since we know that most people are not professionals in this industry, we know that the first thing that attracts people is a lucrative compensation plan. That’s why we are proud to represent one of, if not the most aggressive compensation plan in the direct sales industry. A physical product company would never be able to compete, due to manufacturing, shipping, and or installation costs. However, the digital space is completely different and the profit margins are so much bigger, which allow for up to 70% payout of the total revenue, which is just about where we’re at.

We are very into energy. Which is another reason that this company resonated with us. In our first in person meeting, you can just feel the synergy between the leaders. There was no ego, and everyone was open minded and respecting everyone’s input and ideas as they were brought to the table. This is a sign of mature leaders without a hidden agenda to control every aspect of the company.

A company built by leaders, for leaders, what more can a person ask for? A place where our voices will be heard, work will be valued, dedication will be compensated and commitment will be recognized. We don’t know about you, but that’s a winning combination for us. Feel free to follow our journey on social media to see our vision unfold. We will launch at the end of September.

Press Innova

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